Thursday, December 15, 2016

New Interview! "Story of the Zhang Family: from the Middle Kingdom to the American Midwest"

In these videos, artist Zhang Chun Hong interviews her mother, Bai Yu Zhi, about growing up in China in the 1970s and 1980s and their family history.

The interview was conducted from March 4 to March 6, 2015, at the East Asian Library at the University of Kansas and is available for viewing on KU ScholarWorks

Thursday, December 8, 2016

New Tutorial! "How to Make an Otedama"

Lilly Tsubaki shows the world how to create Otedama - a bean bag from her childhood - for the purpose of passing down knowledge and fun.

Otedama (御手玉) /beanbag Japanese beanbags are made of colorful scraps of cloth and usually are filled with red azuki beans or rice. They are round and small enough to fit into the palm of a child's hand; some have bells attached. The beanbag game, traditionally played by girls, uses a set of five, seven, or nine beanbags. The complexity of the game ranges from simply juggling to performing various maneuvers with one or more of the other bags while one bag is in midair. An ancient game originally played with pebbles, it assumed its present form around the 17th century. Source: Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan (1983)  

Available on KU ScholarWorks:

This is a part of a series of videos prepared by the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Kansas to make the teaching and learning of aspects of East Asian culture available to students, teachers and community organizations. Additional videos include lessons on brush calligraphy, furoshiki wrapping, elementary language, and samurai information for educators. 

To see all Center for East Asian Studies Outreach Teaching Videos:

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

New Tutorial! "Furoshiki: How to Wrap a Box/Present (K-12 Instructional Series)"

"Furoshiki: How to Wrap a Box/Present (K-12 Instructional Series)" is an instructional video on how to do two similar folds to wrap a present. Any fabric may be used to wrap boxes of different sizes and shapes.
This video is designed as hands-on instructional material for teaching Japanese culture to students from elementary to junior high school. This material was prepared by the East Asian Library at the University of Kansas.

Available on KU ScholarWorks at
For more information about furoshiki, please visit:

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Database Trial: Media Korean Studies

The trial for Media Korean Studies is now available on the Databases Trial page through August 31.

This trial includes four collections: 

1.  韓國歷代文集叢書 Collection of Korean Anthologies: 3,000 vol. ebooks by 3,500 authors from 7th century to 1945. Language in Chinese ; 
2. 韓國地理風俗誌 Collection of Korean Geography, Customs and History: 400 vols. ebooks include geographic, customary, cultural and historic writings from 1897 to 1945 (Japanese ruling era). Language in Japanese.
3. 韓譯高麗史 Korean Translation of Koryosa: 28 vols. ebooks of Koryo history from 918-1392, translated into Korean with annotations from Chinese. 
4. 韓日關係史叢書 Historical Resources for Relations between Korea and Japan: 19,320 articles in 32 vols. cover a period from 427-1883 on East Asian international relations. Contents include Koryosa, history of the Three Kingdoms, record of the Joseon Dynasty. Language in Chinese and Japanese translated into Korean with annotations.
Media Korean Studies DB 

Trial expires: August 31, 2016
Feedback: Vickie Doll,

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Database Trial: NK News

This is a reminder of the trial access to two versions of NK News (North Korea News).

Trade figures between two Koreas drop by over 99 percent
KITA figures from March show the impact of Kaesong closure on inter-Korean trade:

How Russia-North Korea relations have recently surprised observers
Russian observers note uptick in visits between two countries, preferential business deals by Chad O'Carroll: 

Vets for no pets? What N. Koreans do with sick animals, by Je Son Lee
Shortage of doctors – of all sorts – means different approach must be taken to treating animals:

All trial databases can be accessed at:

·     Trial expires: June 30, 2016
·     Feedback: Vickie Doll,
NK PRO ( includes news analysis, research tools, statistical data sets, etc.)
·     Trial expires: June 30, 2016
·     Feedback: Vickie Doll,
Read more about NK News at

Database Trial: NK News

This is a reminder of the trial access to two versions of NK News (North Korea News).

Trade figures between two Koreas drop by over 99 percent
KITA figures from March show the impact of Kaesong closure on inter-Korean trade:

How Russia-North Korea relations have recently surprised observers
Russian observers note uptick in visits between two countries, preferential business deals by Chad O'Carroll: 

Vets for no pets? What N. Koreans do with sick animals, by Je Son Lee
Shortage of doctors – of all sorts – means different approach must be taken to treating animals:

All trial databases can be accessed at:

·     Trial expires: June 30, 2016
·     Feedback: Vickie Doll,
NK PRO ( includes news analysis, research tools, statistical data sets, etc.)
·     Trial expires: June 30, 2016
·     Feedback: Vickie Doll,
Read more about NK News at

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Database Trial: Chinese Cultural Relics and NK News

The library has trial access to Chinese Cultural Relics (English translation of selected articles from Wen Wu) and two different versions of NK News (North Korea News).

All trial databases can be accessed at:

·    Trial expires: June 30, 2016
·    Feedback: Andi Back,
·     Trial expires: June 30, 2016
·     Feedback: Vickie Doll,
NK PRO ( includes news analysis, research tools, statistical data sets, etc.)
·     Trial expires: June 30, 2016
·       Feedback: Vickie Doll,

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Database Trial: Taiwan nichinichi shinpo

KU now has trial access to a different version of Taiwan nichinichi shinpo台灣日日新報 (made by Yumani with higher resolution images and text). Taiwan nichinichi shinpo daily newspaper was published from 1898 to 1944 in Japanese along with Chinese text from 1905 to 1911. It is an official newspaper published by the Government-General of Taiwan. 

Provider: TBMC Transmission books & Microinfo Co., LTD.

  • Trial expires: May 31, 2016
URL for information about the resource:

All trial databases can be accessed at:
Several database trials will end on April 30.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Database Trial: Donga Ilbo

I'd like to bring your attention the following new databases on trial from now through May 30/31.

Trial databases can be accessed via the libraries New Database Trials page at

Donga Ilbo 東亞日報
·     Trial expires: May 30, 2016
Lianhe bao 聯合報 (United Daily Newspaper: full-text and Image edition)
·     Trial expires: May 31, 2016

UDNdata 聯合知識庫 (UDN full-text newspaper database)
·     Trial expires: May 31, 2016  
Taiwan Photo Gallery: 1895-1945/GIS database台灣百年寫真 GIS 資料庫
 -      Trial expires: May 31, 2016

Diaolong 雕龍 (full-text Database of Chinese & Japanese Ancient Books)
Includes 道藏, 道藏輯要, 四部叢刊,  續四部叢刊, 永樂大典, 古今圖書集成, 敦煌史料, 清代史料, 中國地方誌, 中國地方誌續集, 日本古典書籍庫, 續修四庫全書, 六府文藏, etc.   
·    Trial expires: May 31, 2016

Several trial databases announced earlier will expire on April 30. If you have not tested these databases, please do so before April 30. 
Han Tang jin dai bao kan shu ju ku 瀚堂近代報刊數據庫 (Han Tang Modern Publications)
Includes 香港<遐邇貫珍>、北京<順天時報>、天津<大公報><益世報><北洋畫報>,上海 <上海新報> and <申報>.
·     Trial expires: April 30, 2016

·     Trial expires: April 30, 2016
Zhongguo jin dai bao kan zi liao ku 中國近代報刊 資料庫 (Database of Modern Chinese Newspapers Series). Database includes 申報, 中央日報,台灣民報系列,台灣日日新報, 台灣時報,大公報
·    Trial expires: April 30, 2016
 Feedback: Vickie Doll,

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Database Trial: Zhongguo jin dai bao kan zi liao ku

The Lawrence and Edwards campuses of the University of Kansas now have trial online access to the following databases, which can be accessed via the librariesNew Database Trials page at

Zhongguo jin dai bao kan zi liao ku 中國近代報刊資料庫 (Database of Modern Chinese Newspapers Series)
Trial expires: April 30, 2016
This database includes: Shen Pao 申報 (1872-1949), Central Daily News 中央日報 (1928-1949),  Taiwan Minpo 台灣民報系列 (1920-1932), Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shinpo 台灣日日新報 (1898-1944), Taiwan JiHo 台灣時報 (1898-1945), and Ta Kung Pao 大公報 (1902-1949). Taiwan Minpo 台灣民報系列 (1920-1932), Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shinpo 台灣日日新報 (1898-1944), and Taiwan JiHo 台灣時報 (1898-1945) were published by Taiwan Governor House during the Japanese occupation (1895-1945). This newspaper article database covers time period from the late Qing to the Republic period on politics, economy, religion, philosophy, humanity, customs, geology, culture, history, and literature, etc.. It is full-text searchable and view in downloadable PDF.

The following trial databases will expire at the end of February:

Han tang dian cang gu ji shu ju ku 瀚堂典藏古籍數據庫 (Hytung Chinese Classical Book Database)
     By Beijing shidai Han tang keji youxian gongsi. “HYTUNG search engine can process over 80000 different characters on a universal platform. The natural language search engine can search a string of characters within milliseconds from 30 Gigabyte UTF-32 full text materials. Meanwhile, all the data are processed within 20 million records or metadata, and the text and images in every record are associated with each other directly. It is very easy to review the text with the original book images contra-positively.”
            Trial expires: February 29, 2016

Han Tang jin dai bao kan shu ju ku 瀚堂近代報刊數據庫 (Hytung Chinese Old Periodicals Database
-   Database manages over 20,000 different kinds of newspapers and magazines printed in China from 1792 to 1949. The database is a full-text partly, and upgrades and expands periodically-about 0.3 billion Chinese characters of data will be merged into the database within 2016. By the end 2015, HYTUNG has collected over 17 million records, 1.8 million images, and 2.0 billion characters.
-      Trial expires: March 22, 2016

Zhongguo shu zi fang zhi ku 中国数字方志库 (China Digital Gazetteers database)
-    Includes full-text from more than 150,000 vols. of Chinese local history gazetteers published before 1949. Provided by 北京籍古軒圖書數字技術公司。
-     Trial expires: February 29, 2016
WiseSearch: Contemporary Media Database of Greater China
 - Wisers Information Limited is the world's leading provider of Greater China media and market intelligence solution with the largest licensed Chinese media database including newspaper, magazines, broadcasts, websites, social media, advertisements and cartoons. Provided by Wisers 慧科
- Trial expires: February 29, 2016

Please send your feedback to Vickie Doll (