Monday, December 19, 2011

New Interview! "John Dardess--Center for East Asian Studies Interview: Me and Ming China"

Dr. John Dardess talks about his research on Ming China in a new interview by the Center for East Asian Studies, now available for viewing on KU ScholarWorks at

AbstractIn this video, Professor Emeritus John Dardess relates how he came to focus on the study of Ming China, describes the strategies and resources employed in his research and outlines the primary themes of his work.

This interview is a part of the University of Kansas Center for East Asian Studies Faculty Interview Series.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Shen Bao 申报 1872-1949 new database trial

Trial access to Shen Bao 申报 is now available on the New Database Trials ( page. The trial expires November 21st but we have asked for an extension.
The Center for Research Libraries has a description of Shen Bao at:
Shanghai-based Shen Bao was the longest-lasting and probably most influential newspaper in modern China. Its history is enmeshed in the major Chinese political and cultural developments of the first half of the twentieth century. The full name of the newspaper was Shenjiang Xinbao 申江新报 (translated as Shenjiang New Post, also known in English as the Shanghai News); it was founded by British businessman Ernest Major and first appeared on April 30, 1872. Major returned to England in 1889, and the paper came under Chinese ownership in 1907. From its start, Shen Bao was produced by Chinese staff for Chinese readership. Circulation expanded until reaching 150,000 in the 1930s. The political stance shifted from conservative support of the government to a moderately liberal pro-constitution position. The newspaper also assumed a strong anti-Japanese position; Norwood Francis Allman, the former U.S. Consulate officer, took on the role of editor in 1938 to guide the paper’s independent position during Japanese occupation of Shanghai prior to World War II. After leadership by Japanese collaborators during the war, Shen Bao continued until it was shut down by the People’s Liberation Army in May 1949.
This resource is currently offered to CRL libraries at favorable terms. Please try it out during the trial period and send feedback or questions to vdoll [at sign] Thanks.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

ARTstor Digital Library database trial

KU Libraries is now offering a trial service of ARTstor Digital Library which provides one million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities and sciences. The name sounds like that this is specific to art, but it is “misnamed,” according to art history bibliographer. This database covers many subjects that can support your research and teaching. KU trial subscription will end on Nov. 15, 2011. If you test and find this useful, please express your interest to Susan Craig at She has received many positive feedbacks, but she would like to hear from researchers in different disciplines. The database is available at “New Database Trials” page in KU Libraries site: The database may not work well with Firefox; if you cannot enlarge the thumbnail image in Firefox, please try Explorer. Thank you for your attention.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yomidasu rekishikan (Yomiuri Newspaper), 1874-

The trial version of Yomiuri Newspaper “Yomidasu rekishikan” is now available until Nov. 25, 2011 and accessible from “New Trial Databases” . This database covers from the very first issue of Yomiuri Shinbun, 1874, to the present. Each article is accompanied with the image of the article in print.

Naver News Library

Naver News Library is a full-text Korean newspaper database containing four major newspapers: * Tonga ilbo東亞日報 = Dong-A ilbo : 1920-1999 * Kyŏnghyang sinmun 京鄕新聞 = Kyunghyang Shinmun : 1946-1999 * Maeil kyŏngje sinmun每日經濟新聞= Maeil Business Newspaper : 1966-1999 * Han’gyŏre 한겨레 = The Hankyoreh : 1988-1999

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Database title: Dacheng Old Journal Full-text Database大成老旧刊全文数据库 (official blog) The database can be accessed from China Studies LibGuide at: Dacheng Old Journal Full-text Database has a collection of more than 6,600 periodicals which were published between the late Qing Dynasty and 1949 in China. The trial ending date is Sept. 30. If you have not tried DuXiu Search Engine, you will enjoy DuXiu for sure. Access DuXiu from ChinaMaxx digital libraries (eBooks) database under Books in China Studies LibGuides: Please send your feedback to Enjoy.

Monday, May 9, 2011

North Korean Academic Information (North Korea Scholarship Information) database trial through June 30, 2011

“North Korean academic resources are rare and hard to approach. This database covers various subjects; linguistics, literature, arts, medicine, science, engineering, etc and it is a unique collection for North Korean studies. The publisher is developing the database base on original sources contracted by North Korean government.”-- Panmun Academic Services

Access via or via the Korea Studies LibGuides page at

• Trial expires: June 30, 2011
• Feedback: Vicki Doll (vdoll atsign