Monday, October 28, 2019

International Experiences in International Cities with Rebecca Reutzel

Rebecca Reutzel answers questions regarding her study abroad experience in South Korea. In the interview, she discusses the skills she acquired studying abroad, her experiences taking classes abroad, adjusting to life in a different culture, and the impact her study abroad experience had on her future goals.
Rebecca Reutzel studied abroad in Seoul, South Korea for 3 months over the summer of 2018. She is currently a senior at the University of Kansas, with a double major in Social Welfare (social work) and the East Asian Languages and Cultures Department with a Korean Language concentration.
This interview is part of the Center for East Asian Studies Study Abroad Impact Interview Series.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Dr. Scott Colby Alumni News

Dr. Scott Colby, a KU alumnus who was given the “Distinguished Alumni Award” by KU School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC), has been appointed to the board of directors of SLLC in early fall 2019. Dr. Colby’s 2015 interview video is accessible in the East Asian Studies Interview Series at

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tadoku 多読 (Fun and Extensive Reading) Program

The library has collected reading materials to support a fun and extensive reading program for students of East Asian languages. A shelf designated to this reading program is on the 5th floor of Watson Library in the International Collection reading room. Staff have selected level readers and comic books to promote extended reading opportunities. The materials selected are classified into beginner, intermediate, advanced, and classical or modern text levels, and are available in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The library hopes students are motivated and find this program beneficial for language acquisition. A library guide for this program can be found at