Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Trial of new Chinese Language Databases

The Lawrence and Edwards campuses of the University of Kansas have trial access to the following Chinese language databases provided by the National Library of China Press.  All databases trial access will be ended on April 22, 2019.
All databases are accessible from KU Libraries Database Trials page at

Databases include:
China Historical Biography Resources database (中国历史人物传记资源数据库)
China Rare Books Reprinted Collection (中华再造善本数据库)
Digital Image Collection of the People's Republic of China, 1911-1949 (民国图片数据库,1911-1949)
Early Twentieth Century Books in China 1912-1949 (民国图书数据库,1912-1949)
Modern Chinese Newspapers Database 1840-1949 (近代报纸数据库)

All trials expire on April 22nd, 2019!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Interview with Elizabeth Schultz Focused on Her Teaching and Experiences at the University of Kansas (1967-2001) and Beyond

Dr. Elizabeth Schultz talks about her academic work, post-academic writings, and experiences both abroad and at the University of Kansas. Her stories of life studying and teaching topics like Melville, English, and history are enriched by discussions of even deeper topics like compassion, loss, and creativity.

Description: An interview with Professor Elizabeth Schultz focused on her experiences teaching American Literature at the University of Kansas as well as on two Fulbright grants, the first in Japan in 1973, the second in China in 2007. The interview also considers her scholarship and other writing. This interview is part of the KU Center for East Asian Studies Faculty Interview Series.

Full record URI in the KU ScholarWorks: