Wednesday, December 17, 2014

RISS International Database Trial

The Lawrence and Edwards campuses of the University of Kansas now have trial online access to RISS International from now through February 28, 2015

RISS International covers full-text journal articles, and 90% of the theses & dissertations produced since 2008.

Access the trial link from the Library New Database Trials page at

Provider/Platform/Publisher: Korea Education & Research Information Service (aka. KERIS)

Additional Information: URL for information about the resource:
Please send your feedback to

Friday, December 5, 2014

Korean newspaper database trials: Chosun ilbo and Donga ilbo newspaper archive

Provides searchable metadata and full-image reproductions of Chosŏn Ilbo (1920-current) in pdf format.
Trial expires: January 31, 2015

Provides searchable metadata and full-image reproductions of Tonga (Donga) Ilbo (1920-current) in pdf format.
Trial expires: January 31, 2015

Provider/Platform/Publisher: Korean Studies Information (KSI) 

send you feeback to

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

New Interview! "Sexual Politics in the Chinese Imperial Palace"

Professor Keith McMahon talks about his research on sexual politics in the Imperial Palace in an interview now available for viewing on KU ScholarWorks at

AbstractKeith McMahon discusses in Chinese the manipulation, sexual prowess and espionage in the palace. His lead academic role in this complicated field allows for a revealing look into the dark, secret corners of imperial politics.

This interview was conducted with Sun Miaoning for the China Social Sciences Network.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Taiwan studies database trial

We are having a trial of three databases from TBMC (Transmission Books & Microinfo Company from now through October 31, 2014.

臺灣日日新報+漢文台灣日日新報 ( Taiwan nichinichi shinpō  + Han wen Taiwan Ri ri xin bao)  
Taiwan Daily News published under Japanese occupation, 1898-1944 (in Japanese and Chinese)

udn電子書  (udn eBooks)  full-text eBooks

udndata 全文報紙庫   udndata full-text newspapers

East Asian Library

SWCAS & MCAA Joint Conference, October 3-5, 2014

The Southwest Conference on Asian Studies (SWCAS) and the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA) will hold a joint conference on October 3-5, 2014 at the University of Kansas, in Lawrence, KS. This marks the 6th time that the MCAA conference will be held at KU, but it will be a first for the SWCAS conference.

Registration costs for the conference will be $55 for faculty and $25 for graduate students and independent scholars. In addition, all conference participants will be expected to join either MCAA or SWCAS. Membership costs for either group will be $20.

For information about Lawrence as well as travel and hotel information, please consult the conferences home page

Thursday, February 27, 2014

ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chinese Newspapers Collection

ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chinese Newspapers Collection is now available on the New Database Trials ( ) page and runs from today through March 27th.   

Access directly at:

Please send your comments and input to

Monday, January 6, 2014

Asian Film Online Database trial (Nov. 22, 2013 - January 18, 2014)

The trial for Asian Film Online is now available on the New Database Trials page and runs through January 18th. For more information about the content included in this collection, click HERE.

For general help, including navigation instructions and search tips, click HERE. They also offered to arrange for a customized WebEx session in which our sales representative will demo the product, in real time.

Copied below are extra information they sent us: On the attached bibliography, you will see "Korean Academy of Film Arts- not sold for perpetual." This means that the films are included in the archive purchase but should you request a file of the films in hand, they would not be included. But you do have access to them.

To new film archives this year: Silent Film Online, which just won an award at the Charleston Conference for a Best Product 2013, very exciting! :

Also, New World Cinema: Independent Features and Shorts, 1990-present:

The Enlarged Yŏnhaengnok Collection (燕行錄叢刊增補版) database trial

The Enlarged Yŏnhaengnok Collection (燕行錄叢刊增補版) database is available for trial from November 1 through December 22, 2013.

The Yŏnhaengnok Collection 燕行錄叢刊 is a collection of traveloguesrecorded by Korean envoys who traveled to China during the Koryŏ and Chosŏn dynasties from the 12th century to the 19th century.  This collection is a milestone which documenting diplomatic relations between Korea and China as well as being an extensive record and coverage of cultural interactions, politics, economics, society, and scholarship. The enlarged edition includes more works such as the Shenyang diaries(瀋陽日記類), the  Illustration of Sea travel to Beijing (水路燕行圖), and many more which were not included in the earlier edition. The Enlarged Yŏnhaengnok Collection online 燕行錄叢刊增補版 allows users to browse the travel records by time period, king, and author.  It is multi-languages searchable full-text including classical Korean and Chinese.

To access the trial database, please go to the KRpia database at and do a title search by 燕行錄叢刊增補版 or Enlarged Yŏnhaengnok Collection.  Users can also access the database via the KU Libraries database trail page at