Friday, November 1, 2013

University of Kansas Center for East Asian Studies Faculty Interview Series - Felix Moos: An Anthropologist’s Asian Journeys

In this video interview conducted by Dr. Megan Greene, Dr. Felix Moos discusses his travels in Asia and career in academia. This interview is now available on KU ScholarWorks at

AbstractFelix Moos discusses his experiences in childhood as part of a German military family living in Manchuria, the events in his life that led to his interest in East Asian Studies, his experiences flying 100 missions in the Korean War, the development of East Asian Studies at the University of Kansas, and his life as an anthropology professor and researcher.

This interview is a part of the University of Kansas East Asian Studies Faculty Interview Series.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Interview! "Grant Goodman--Center for East Asian Studies Interview: Reminiscences of a 25 Year Retiree"

Grant Goodman talks about his experiences in a new interview by the Center for East Asian Studies now available for viewing on KU ScholarWorks at

Abstract: Professor Emeritus Grant Goodman discusses his role as a Japanese Language Officer for military intelligence in World War II, studies at Princeton and the University of Michigan, teaching in the Philippinesbecoming a historian of Japan at the University of Kansas, experiences in academia, the February Sisters, and the evolution of East Asian Studies at KU.

This interview is a part of the Center for East Asian Studies Faculty Interview Series.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database (CDFD), China Masters' Theses Full-text Database (CMFD), China Core Newspaper database (CCND), and China Proceedings of Conference full text database (CPFD)

China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database (CDFD), China Masters' Theses Full-text Database (CMFD), China Core Newspaper database (CCND), and China Proceedings of Conference full text database (CPFD) have been added for cross-searching at CAJ full-text database site.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Da Ming shi lu 大明实录 (Veritable records of the Ming dynasty) Database

Da Ming shi lu 大明实录 (Veritable records of the Ming dynasty) Database by Beijing UniHan company (书同文 Shu tong wen)

At KU Library front page:, Databases A-Z: click D: ( choose Da Ming Shi Lu) (Full-record description)
Record in the KU catalog:

Enjoy your research!

East Asian Library

Monday, April 1, 2013

University of Kansas East Asian Studies Graduate Student Research Forum

East Asian Studies Graduate Student Research Forum 
4:00-5:30 p.m.  Friday April 12, in Room 455 of the Watson Library

Professor Eric Rath, History, will be the forum moderator and 10 graduate students in various disciplines will talk about their research. There will be time for questions and answers.  Please come to listen to interesting topics that other students are working on.  Topics such as research methods and primary sources will also be discussed.  You can participate by providing  your input and suggestion or sharing your research interests, if time allows.  Refreshments will be served.  Come, and let’s share the fun of doing research and sampling some good food.   Bring your friends and make sure they don’t miss out the event.