"Celebrating East Asian Studies Scholarship: an Interdisciplinary Showcase"
"A new East Asian exhibit, featuring the research of University of Kansas faculty and highlighting the library collections essential to their research, opens Thursday, February 16 at the Library Gallery in Watson Library..."
Check out the KU Librareis Facebook for the exhibition Opening Ceremony which was held on Feb. 16, 2012:
Celebrating East Asian Studies Scholarship: an Interdisciplinary Showcase - a set on Flickr (the official camera)
Here is a set of unofficial pictures of the event
The opening reception for “Celebrating East Asian Studies Scholarship: an Interdisciplinary Showcase” was held on Thursday, February 16, featuring a discussion with five KU faculty members: moderator Megan Greene, History (and Director of the Center for East Asian Studies) and panelists Keith McMahon, East Asian Languages and Cultures; John Kennedy, Political Science; Sherry Fowler, Art History; and Eric Rath, History.
Me and Ming China: An Interview with John Dardess This is part of the East Asian Scholarship exhibition, an video interview of John Dardess research and publication on Ming.