Five databases trial starts from now until June 12. Access is restricted to KU IP access/on campus access. These databases are offered by Airiti (華藝, Taipei, Taiwan.
1. CEPS (Chinese Electronic Periodical Services): CEPS is a collection of full-text periodicals that are selected from China and Taiwan. Those titles from China overlaps with those are in the China Academic Journals databases.
2. TEPS (The Taiwan Electronic Periodical Service): TEPS is a full-text periodicals database which includes more than 1,022 periodicals from Taiwan.
3. NPM Online (National Palace Museum Online): It contains 20,000+ images and summaries of artifacts that are collected in the NPM.
The database is classified by seven subjects: Painting, Calligraphy, Ceramics, Jade, Buddhist, and others. Language choices are English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese.
4. CETD (Chinese Electronic Thesis & Dissertation): Full-text theses and dissertations from Taiwan top universities.
5. AiritiBooks Complete collections from 500 popular publishers in Taiwan. Search by book title and author. No special browser is required.